Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Wiki

Flying Car II was an updated and improved version of the Flying Car.

As the food created by the FLDSMDFR became threatening, Flint redesigned his failed prototype for an approach vehicle. Flint, with the help of navigator Sam Sparks and pilot Manny, flew towards the FLDSMDFR. While infiltrating the Meat-a-Roid, the vehicle comes under attack from gummy bears and is nearly destroyed until Steve neutralizes them. It eventually crashes in Swallow Falls and is severely damaged.

In the novelization, the car exploded into a display of fireworks when Sam and Flint kissed.


  • The car is powered by food in the video game - it runs on carbs provided by an orange, muffin, and a gummi bear.
  • The license plate reads "AWESOME."

